Ciara and Aisling update

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Our Ireland trip...November 2006

No luck getting them to look at the camera!

Beautiful Bunratty Castle

Ciara in disbelief as she sits in the
princess chair

Looking pretty by the cottage


More Ireland photos...November 2006

On the roof of the castle

Visiting with Papa :-) Can you believe he is 91???

Ciara and Aisling posing by Papa's beauiful fields...

Jay and Aisling on Papa's road

Ciara and her great grand 'Papa'


A few more Ireland photos...November 2006

Another visit at my Papa's house with Aunt Maura (yes, that is a Guinness bottle on the table beside him...He's still going strong, God bless him!)

Enjoying a lovely glass of vino Faustino (YUM!) with cousin Ruthie

Mom, Aisling and Aunty Margaret (and Rusty the dog!)

Mom, Dad, Uncle Danny, Ruth and Jay

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


More 1st Birthday Photos...

Two pretty sisters:
Mom and Aunt Barbara

Uncle Mike and Dad

Rosie and her gift opening helpers

Aisling doing the jig (She loves The Chieftains!)

Aisling Rose and her Aunt Rose

Ciara thinking 'this stinks, don't I get any gifts?'
Daddy's girl :-)

Mommy and her 'tiny gee- uhwl'


Aisling wondering 'is this a joke or do I really get to have cake????'

Mama's big girl :-)

A little overwhelmed by the happy birthday song...


Happy 1st Birthday, Aisling!!

She turned one on Monday (November 6) and we had her party on the 5th. I can't believe she is already one but then again, I can't remember life before her. She is such a blessing and she is so incredibly sweet (I could just eat her up!)


Family Portrait by Kelli Barker...

This was taken in Sept (Ciara is 3 years in the pic and Aisling is 10 months)


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