Ciara and Aisling update

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Yummy Blueberries!!

Ciara was thrilled to go blueberry picking this morning. This is her alltime favorite fruit and she has been putting away an average of a pint a day this summer :-) She had a great time and (not surprisingly) ate more than she put in her bucket. Aisling was very interested in what we were doing. Of course, she was also attempting to pick and eat the
berries (no, I didn't let her)...

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Tubby Time

They just love tubby time and play so nicely together for a change (for the most part!) Of course, I have to watch them like a hawk. It's also some downtime for me too (a glass of wine while watching them does wonders for my sanity!)...So when I get desperate for some peace, to the tub they go!!


First Steps (with some assistance, that is!)

Ciara and I showed Aisling how to use the walker for the first time today. She loves it and she did so well (especially well for an 8 1/2 month old)! The only thing is she gets very frustrated when she comes to a wall/toy, etc and has to stop. She certainly has a little temper on her already!

Here's a video of her using it (for the second time). She is concentrating so hard (notice the tongue sticking out)and is looking very proud of her big accomplishment:

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Ciara's Masterpiece

This is an example of what happens when I turn my back for a minute (literally!) I can tell Aisling is getting very tired of it...Her expression says it all: 'You just wait, Ciara!!'

Thursday, July 20, 2006


July 17, 2006

Aisling looking cute as a button

Is that little bum not adorable?!?!

Some quality time with daddy at World's End in Hingham

Thankfully, Ciara still loves all her veges...Like she has a choice with me as her mother ;-)


July 16, 2006

Aisling taking a power nap after lunch

Ciara looking pretty in her favorite new outfit from the Long cousins!


July 15, 2006

Gardening with daddy 'au natural'...


July 14, 2006 - Cousins from abroad

Ciara hanging out with her South African twin cousins, Jake and Mike. This was her first time meeting them as well as her cousin's Alex and Danny who are visiting from Spain and Colin who is a local boy :-) What a great time they all had (and it was SO great catching up with uncle Mike, Aunt Barb, Brenda, Spanner, Colleen and Erin) !! And it was no surprise that Aisling just loved Uncle Mike :-) Hopefully more pix to come...

Monday, July 10, 2006


Aisling was 8 months on July 6 and Ciara will be 3 on Sept 16. Aisling is into everything now and just does not stop moving. She races around on all fours and pulls up on everything . She especially loves her Elmo playtable. She wants to do everything Ciara does and is trying so hard to walk. She is beginning to 'cruise' and she stood up by herself for the first time yesterday (she did it twice for about 10 seconds each time)! I have a feeling she will be walking very soon...Yikes! She is very vocal and points to everything and asks 'adah?' ('what's that?') She loves dogs and says 'dah' when she sees one and begins growling. When you sing The Irish Washer Woman to her and hold her in a standing position, she does a jig...It is so cute! She gives big, wet kisses and hugs too. Her first tooth just came through last week.

Ciara is enjoying her summer at the beach and spending lots of time with her cousins, Aunty Rosie and her best friend, Aunty Mindy. She is still as inquisitive (and bold) as ever. I often ask her "you used to be my baby, what happened?' and she says, very proudly with her hands on her hips, "I growed up now, Mom". She is always imitating me (which isn't always a good thing) and still nurses her dolls which are all named Aisling. She is just too funny sometimes:-)

Here a video from a few weeks ago...


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